What does Over Sand Vehicle Permit mean? FUN of course, but no seriously each year, Islanders and visitors have the opportunity to purchase OSV permits from the Trustees. Why purchase one of these permits? Well, for many people, it’s fun to hop into your 4-wheel drive (preferred) or all-wheel drive SUV and drive to the perfect beach spot.
Imagine – right in front of you is the ocean. Behind you, your tailgate is open and you have access to everything you need for the beach right there! You can grill, pack water toys, paddle boards, whatever you need. Next to you on both sides are your friends in other vehicles or there’s the opportunity to make new friends (peak season, it’s pretty quiet sometimes).
My friend/fellow Point B’er Trish took me out in her truck to Norton Point the last week of Winter, and we had a blast. The sun was shining, the wind was mild, and there was no other vehicles. Soon as you get in the groove tracks, I can’t help but smile. There is something so fun and cool about venturing out over sand in a vehicle.

We drove for a while, and found a spot we liked. Trish’s dog Flash, who is an older dog, is like a puppy when at the beach. What fun we all had, picking shells up and enjoy the soon to be Spring air. My whole day was brighter from this two-hour adventure.

OSV Adventures – Martha’s Vineyard -Tips From the Trustees
While everyone may want to go over sand, not everyone should. The Trustees recommend that you use a vehicle that is 4-wheel drive, but all wheel-drive is ok. Before heading onto the sand, remember to let out air in your tires to 15 PSI. Trish had this great kit that she got from Coop’s Bait & Tackle for letting out the air. It made it so easy! Don’t forget to add air back into your tires after your adventure at the air stations by the entrances to Norton & Mytoi!

Also, The Trustees recommends that you have a shovel and a piece of wood incase you get stuck. Often if you see a vehicle stuck, more air just needs to be let out of the tires. During the Summer season, there are Trustees rangers out on the properties to help. Another pro tip is to stay in the tracks that lead to the beaches.

Also, during June and July, expect to see closures due to shorebird nesting. The best way to stay up to date with closings is on the Trustees MV instagram. Speaking of birds – pictured above is a Snow Bunting. Both Trish and I had never seen a bird like this. Her friend Liz Olson (Biodiversity Works) easily identified it. We felt like amateur birders! But in all seriousness, be sure to respect the wildlife and keep a safe distance.

OSV Adventures – Martha’s Vineyard – Types of Permits
There are a couple different options for permits you can buy. There is the Norton Point Beach Access Permit, Islander vehicle, $70 and Off-Island vehicle, $120, the Cape Poge/Wasque Permit, $180 or the Combination Permit which offers access to both, Islander vehicle, $240 and Off-Island vehicle, $290.
For the person who wants it all, there is the All-Over Pass for Martha’s Vineyard – $500 – Includes:
- Combination OSV permits to Cape Poge, Wasque and Norton Point
- Access to Long Point Wildlife Refuge for passholder vehicle and all guests
- Walk-on access to East Beach gatehouse for passholder and guests
- Access to Wasque Reservation parking lot and beaches for passholder vehicle and all guests

To purchase a permit, it’s easy, click here. Permits purchased on-line are available for pickup at The Trustees office on State Road in Vineyard Haven as of April 1st. Get yours today, and get ready for some great memorable Summer fun. After all, it’s not everywhere that you can drive right to your beach spot.
Remember, Trustees properties are CARRY IN/CARRY HOME. Leave the beach better than when you found it.
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