Martha’s Vineyard is home to more than 100 nonprofit organizations; together they form the backbone of our community. Nonprofits provide childcare, counseling, food, shelter and transportation for those in need. They preserve our history, conserve our open land and protect our unique habitat. They offer us opportunities to participate in the arts, in sports, in career training, in fellowship and in social initiatives.
Whether we take a class at the YMCA of Martha’s Vineyard, listen to our favorite DJ on MVYRadio or explore a Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation property, we are all touched by the conscientious and creative work of our Island nonprofits.
To recognize these organizations and the people who make them run, The Vine has published its ninth annual edition of The Heart of the Vineyard, a directory of Island nonprofits in print and online.
Now more than ever, our Island nonprofit organizations need our support in whatever way we can give it. Whether we donate time or money doesn’t matter; it’s the collaborative effort that keeps our community thriving.
The updated directory can be found online anytime at
We have made an effort to be comprehensive with this directory. If you would like to add a nonprofit to the directory or amend a listing, please email
Note: A digital “flipbook” of the current edition of the Vine, containing the print directory, will be online starting the week of February 17. The link to that digital edition will be made live here.