The following cases were heard in Edgartown district court.
June 16
Ryan P. Brown, 32, of Brookline, was arraigned on June 16 charges in Vineyard Haven of a lights violation on a motor vehicle, drunken driving, negligent operation of a motor vehicle and a marked lanes violation. Defendant released on personal recognition. Pretrial hearing scheduled for August 12.
Andrew Jordan, 21, of New Canaan, Conn. was arraigned on June 16 charges in Oak Bluffs of drunk driving and negligent operation of a motor vehicle. Defendant released on personal recognition. Pretrial hearing scheduled for August 1.
June 17
Prisila G. Araujo, 27, of Edgartown, was arraigned on a June 17 charge in Edgartown of assault and battery on a family or household member. Defendant released on personal recognition and payment of counsel fee of $150. Pretrial hearing set for August 11.
Tristan R. Stoddart, 23, of Vineyard Haven, was arraigned on June 16 charges in Vineyard Haven of assault with a dangerous weapon and assault and battery. Defendant released on personal recognition, payment of counsel fee of $150 and with further condition to stay away from and have no contact with alleged victim. Pretrial hearing scheduled for August 12.
June 21
Sharon H. Fisher, 55, of Oak Bluffs, was arraigned on June 17 charges in Vineyard Haven of breaking and entering with the purpose of committing a misdemeanor and attempting to commit a crime. Defendant released on payment of counsel fee of $150 and bail set at $300. Pretrial hearing scheduled for July 1.
Patrick K. Malmborg, 21, of East Longmeadow, was arraigned on June 20 charges in Edgartown of disorderly conduct, assault and battery and threatening to commit a crime. Defendant released on payment of $500 bail. Pretrial hearing scheduled for August 5.
Nicolas Dealava, 45, of Naples, Fla., was arraigned on June 20 charges in Edgartown of drunk driving, negligent operation of a motor vehicle and improper operation of a motor vehicle. Defendant released on payment of $200 bail. Pretrial hearing scheduled for August 1.
June 23
Laura Bernard-Maciel, 51, of Edgartown, was arraigned on a June 21 charge in Edgartown of resisting arrest. Bail set at $1,200. Defendant released on further condition of checking in with probation department three times a week. Pretrial hearing scheduled for Sept. 16.